Digital Forensic Services: 

PM Investigations offers 20+ years of experience in digital forensic services to both the public and private sectors.  Our digital forensic services encompass the forensic imaging and/or forensic analysis of virtually any digital device or digital media, including servers, computers, laptops, tablets, thumb drives, external hard drives, cameras and video equipment.  For more information, please visit

Cellphone Examinations:

PM Investigations offers 20+ years of experience in conducting forensic cellphone examinations to both the public and private sectors.  Our forensic cellphone services include the forensic imaging and/or analysis of virtually any cellphone, “mapping” of cellphone GPS information, or “mapping” of cellphone Tower locations.  For more information, please visit

Cybercrime Investigations: 

PM Investigations conducts cybercrime and intrusion investigations of all types and at all levels.  From identity theft or social media harassment to corporate email being “hacked” or a corporate server being “cracked”, PM Investigations, Inc. has the experience, knowledge, and tools to deliver the results needed to assist in stopping the perpetrator(s).